October is one of the best months to fish St. Pete. Weather gets more comfortable, boat traffic decreases, and all of your inshore favorites are out there alongside the beginning of a few others entering the area. Let’s take a look.
Inshore Fishing Action In October
This month marks the beginning of the transition to cooler temps. This does have an effect on the fishery but the action is still, just as hot as ever.
Species like redfish, seatrout, and snook will be headliners here in October while fishing the inshore. This is a great time of year to go for inshore slams and do it with better quality fish. These species have spent all summer pigging out and they will be at their peak weights during Fall.
Choosing what to fish with is still pretty forgiving in the early part of Fall. Baitfish and shrimp (whether bait or lures) will both be good bets. Baitfish will start to migrate away when temps get lower, but early on this is a nonissue. Even when they finally do, these species will still readily attack these offerings at a moment’s notice.
When you start to see redfish feeding off the bottom, it will be time to switch up for them in particular. But, overall, fishing in October is much like March – a mix of techniques will land you much success with these top three species regardless of which direction you take.
Incoming October Migrations
One of the best parts about St. Petersburg is its direct access to the coastline and Gulf waters. This time of year marks the start of kingfish migrations into the area, and species like Spanish mackerel will be tagging along. As we head off into Winter, targeting species like Grouper will become commonplace – but, here in the in-between, lies days of awesome crossover fishing opportunities. This is truly a year-round fishery.
Fish With Captain Kevin
The fishing action is Non-Stop and Captain Kevin is steadily guiding clients daily as we start the Fall season. This is one of the absolute best times of the year to fish St. Pete, and we have the experience and equipment to get you on the fish! Come see what St. Pete is all about with Non-Stop Fishing Charters! Reserve Today